Friday, November 29, 2013

9/28/2013 - Video Recording of the Intro to Game Programming Workshop

We finally uploaded a video recording of the Intro to Game Programming Workshop that we held almost two months ago. The workshop was done with Java, since that's what the department teaches, and some of the topics we covered include: how to draw images to the screen, how to animate images, the concept of a game loop, how to listen to keyboard events, how to detect collisions, and more!

The workshop lasted for two and a half hours, when it was scheduled to last only two hours. The recording, however, is only a little over an hour long because we cut out a lot of empty segments, such as when we were waiting for participants to finish writing their code.

If you want to download the code from the workshop, we have three collections of files for you to use:
This is the code that we had at 3:00pm when people started leaving. At this stage we had a simple window with a circle in it that moved around when the player pressed the arrow keys.
This is the code that we had at 3:30pm, after we decided to stay late and add an enemy to the game. We figured out how to detect collisions between two circles, and we added logic to "kill" the player when they got hit by the big evil circle.
This is the game that we made while planning this workshop. The variable names are slightly different, but the main difference is that we added an image background to our level.

If you have any questions about the material covered in this workshop, or the source code, feel free to ask Livio at
